Abhaya Tatavarti (she/her)

Research Associate (2021-2022)


Abhaya (She/Her) worked as a Research Assistant at the Centre, and was involved in the coordination, research and management for a comparative research study on abortion rights in South Asia and South East Asia. Abhaya also supported other campaign work through research and editorial assistance. Before joining CJLS, Abhaya previously worked as a Programme Manager at Blank Noise, a feminist collective based in Bangalore that works to end victim blame and shame.

She worked closely with the Founder on developing and implementing movement building strategies through campaigns, research, interventions and online communications. She also managed the internship and volunteer programmes. Prior to that, she led the Prevention of Sexual Harassment vertical at Parity Consulting. She partnered with organisations to implement the POSH Act and investigate complaints of sexual harassment. In that capacity, she developed content using a socio-legal approach that was survivor-centric.

She assisted in developing a Best Practices Toolkit in partnership with Trilegal that was commissioned by NASSCOM. Abhaya graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from Kenyon College, Ohio. At Kenyon, she was elected as the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Her writing has been published in The Swaddle, The News Minute, Feminism in India, and In Plainspeak by TARSHI. She enjoys working out, spending time with her dogs and reading.

Abhaya is currently J.D. Candidate at the University of Virginia School of Law.