Reproductive Justice & the Law Clinic (2023-24)

In collaboration with Hidden Pockets Collective and CommonHealth India

There have been significant developments in the domain of sexual and reproductive health, with the passage of the amendment to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 2021 being the most recent development on that front. The enactment of laws and policies that aim to address the sexual and reproductive health needs of the population have been critiqued for lacking a rights-based approach to SRHR. The lack of engagement on issues pertaining to SRHR within the legal curriculum is often mirrored in legislative & policy measures that have shaped the discourse on subjects like abortion and contraception in India. It is imperative that the laws around reproductive rights take into consideration the needs of many marginalised groups such as Dalit and Adivasi persons, persons with disabilities, adolescent  people living below the poverty line, transgender persons, sex workers and others who face additional challenges in access to abortion or reproductive healthcare services.

Therefore, through this clinic CJLS in partnership with CommonHealth and Hidden Pockets Collective endeavored to provide students an opportunity to engage with the contemporary research and writing on the contested domains within sexual and reproductive health and rights. Students also engaged extensively with the global developments on the front of decriminalisation of abortion to understand the role of courts in facilitating abortion access through an anti-carceral framing of the law.

The course employed clinical pedagogy to critically engage students in self-reflective exercises and practices and, in line with our community-centric approach, students also engaged with stakeholders through various in person consultations with grassroots activists and guest lectures organized on campus to appreciate the on-ground impact of the law.

Guest Lectures

The Clinic hosted several guest lectures in the fall semester, including those by Professor Dipika Jain, Dr. Alka Barua, Jasmine George, Aisha George, and Athira Purshottam.


5th November, 2023

Workshop with Govind Manoharan, founder of Godiyal and Manoharan Chambers, and Ramani Mohanakrishnan, Lawyer and Journalist.

Students spent the day deconstructing the politics of language and cause lawyering, especially in the domain of reproductive rights in India. Students also presented their work on analysing global jurisprudence on the decriminalisation of abortion.
