
Law and Justice Scholar (2024)


Vikramaditya Sahai is a teacher and writer. Over the last ten years, they have taught in disciplines as varied as gender studies, development studies, literary arts, and at law schools. In their writing, they have been thinking about transness and sexuality in relation to law, fantasy and the stuff of life and living. They live and love in Delhi. 

As Visiting Scholar, Vqueeram is co-teaching the clinical course on Trans Justice and the Law Clinic.  The course engages with conceptial nuances around gender and sexuality, queer theory, knowledge and power, critical legal theory and intersectionality, among others.

The students will critically engage with the systemic and institutional challenges faced by transgender and gender-variant persons in a society structured by cis hetero-patriarchy and intersecting hierarchies of caste, indigeneity, class, religion, gender and disability.

Students will explore legislative and judicial histories, interact with community activists and scholars, and build advocacy skills to understand and address the multifaceted oppression faced by these communities, with a focus on legislative and policy measures in India. Students will participate in clinical pedagogy, involving self-reflective exercises, politics of knowledge production, minor knowledges’, journal entries, and intensive writing workshops.