Anjali Sirohi (She/Her)

Research Fellow, Centre for Justice, Law and Society


Anjali Sirohi is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Justice, Law and Society.

She holds an LLM from Jindal Global Law School and has read law (LLB) at Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. She was previously awarded an MA (Sociology) from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi and a BA (Honors) English from SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.

Her graduate thesis concerned the phenomenon of 'constitutional silences,' and reflections of the phenomenon within constitutional founding and design. She has previously conducted an empirical research study, and literature review for a group project titled Kinship in An Akhara : A Comparative Analysis of Kinship, Identity and Everydayness in a traditional wrestling ground,' during the course of her graduate degree in Sociology.

Her research interests are varied and reflective of her embeddedness within eccentric methodologies. They entail (but are not exclusive to) legal theory, constitutional theory (constitutional thought and constitutional history), political philosophy, jurisprudence, public law, sociological theory and literary theory.

CJLS is an embodiment of critical theory, pedagogical re-imagination and grassroots mobilisation. The research centre is a first-of-its-kind collective of scholars, thinkers, researchers and activists alike. As an early career researcher, CJLS provides an exemplary platform for me to engage with some of the most astounding issues at the heart of critical legal scholarship, i.e. issues of social justice and marginalisation. I look forward to the unlearning, and learning.
— Anjali Sirohi



Ahana Bag


Anmol Diwan